For anyone considering real estate in South Lake Tahoe, there has been a lot going on surrounding vacation rental permits. In the last few months there have been many changes regarding the proposed vacation rental ordinances and on June 16th the city had a meeting where anyone could voice their opinion about said changes. The day after the meeting this message was released from the South Tahoe Association of Realtors:
- Requiring annual inspections based on the latest Uniform Building Code standards (UBC);
- Imposing prohibitively high costs involved in the public hearing review process;
- Ability of the city zoning administrator to impose any condition he or she chooses including prohibiting additional vehicular travel and imposing new architectural standards on existing housing;
- We simply don’t know where the City will go regarding conditions that it may impose on VHR’s; and
- Until these and other matters are resolved, uncertainty for all buyers and sellers may be at issue, home improvement contractors, and all other business owners that provide goods and services to the tourism industry may financially suffer.
To stay up to date with the most current information please check out the city’s website at as well as